In this working package, we analyse labour market transitions of university graduates, with a particular emphasis on the issue of skills mismatch. By linking different data sources on labour market histories, the EDW provides an opportunity to undertake in-depth analyses of the occupational history of graduates (and to a certain extent of university dropouts) as well as of horizontal and vertical skills mismatch. In particular, we will address the following:
Analyse short- and medium-term labour market outcomes of university graduates by gender, field of study and prior schooling.
Improve the measurement of skills and vertical and horizontal skill mismatch, by creating synthetic indicators of skills mismatch in a multidimensional perspective: job content, required educational qualification, type of contract, subjective assessments.
Examine the persistence of skill mismatch across cohorts of graduates, by analysing not only the first job, but focusing instead on the occupational history over 3-5 years after the end of university studies.
Improve the understanding of skill mismatch processes, dynamics and the consequences of mismatch. Analyse skills mismatch across economic activity sectors, segments of the labour market and local production systems.